Wednesday, April 27, 2016

pb&j picnic

Sometimes on hot days mom would take us to the pool. In Iowa we didn't romantically call summer days "sultry" they were called "humid" in plain, Midwestern English.

In the icebox of the air conditioned house mom would pack up some squishy pb&j sandwiches, baby carrots - looking like creepy, wet, orange baby fingers, and a bag of neon Cheetos, or Pringles. Cheetoes were my favorite. 

I'd put on my bright shorts that looked like bicycle shorts and a colorful shirt over my swimming suit and we would all get in the massive blue van. The blue van was more like a house on wheels than an actual vehicle. There was even a TV and VCR inside! But we weren't allowed to use them unless our trip was two hours or longer.

Arriving in Monticello we'd lay down an old, worn blanket and picnic in the park next to the pool. After eating we'd play in the park for awhile because we observed the classic rule to avoid the Bends. There were some great wooden structures of playground equipment and I remember a large swing like you would find on a Victorian Veranda. I think we fit six kids on it once.

Once danger had passed we entered the dungeon-like locker/bathrooms assigned by gender and passed through to the pool.

Aquamarine aqua. Is there anything more beautiful on a humid Iowa day?

I stripped down to my chic green and blue two piece. Jumped in with my siblings and we felt great. 

Friday, April 1, 2016


"Let's have the type of night where it's, like, 5 a.m. and one of us has definitely punched someone who's been on a Disney Channel show." -Elijah