Monday, January 5, 2015

resolute realism

I dislike Resolutions because blah blah blah... Anyway, I prefer yearly guidelines.  A loose list with no crushing guilt if things don't work out - because I'm trying to morph into a Type B personality over here. Also known as The Lazy Person's Resolutions (?). I prefer that we just call it realism.

  • Travel, travel, travel
  • Asking "why not?" instead of "why?". Adventures to hopefully ensue.
  • Pursuing a degree I really care about instead of putting it off because it could literally take 10+ years to finish.
  • 2015 is the year I will really dance. I LOVE to dance and I've always put it on the back burner but this is my year to cut all the rugs.
  • Learn passable Italian (Refer back to #1... and so my sister and I can have secret conversations - though possibly hampered by the fact that most of our words will probably encompass food and toilets.)
  • Write more things, even though you may never see them.
  • Try to continue a 75% (ish) vegan diet because, why not?
  • Become a Hugger (This may be the hardest one. Help me; Hug first because I'll probably forget...)
  • And for the love of God; stop dropping my phone.
I never could have forecast all that happened in 2014, I'm looking forward to the same ambiguity from 2015.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Out the window, in the grey, I see a twinkle.
The neighbor's light shines a hello.
A pinprick of fire.
Traveling across the fields, between the trees and through the fog.

This day feels lonely and cold, especially after my nightmares of the dark before.
You are not alone.
The light tells me.
Warmth, goodness and peace can still be yours.
A cardinal dressed in red dances through my twinkling reminder.
There are always bright spots in the darkest moments.

(Rescued from 12.03.11)