Monday, January 5, 2015

resolute realism

I dislike Resolutions because blah blah blah... Anyway, I prefer yearly guidelines.  A loose list with no crushing guilt if things don't work out - because I'm trying to morph into a Type B personality over here. Also known as The Lazy Person's Resolutions (?). I prefer that we just call it realism.

  • Travel, travel, travel
  • Asking "why not?" instead of "why?". Adventures to hopefully ensue.
  • Pursuing a degree I really care about instead of putting it off because it could literally take 10+ years to finish.
  • 2015 is the year I will really dance. I LOVE to dance and I've always put it on the back burner but this is my year to cut all the rugs.
  • Learn passable Italian (Refer back to #1... and so my sister and I can have secret conversations - though possibly hampered by the fact that most of our words will probably encompass food and toilets.)
  • Write more things, even though you may never see them.
  • Try to continue a 75% (ish) vegan diet because, why not?
  • Become a Hugger (This may be the hardest one. Help me; Hug first because I'll probably forget...)
  • And for the love of God; stop dropping my phone.
I never could have forecast all that happened in 2014, I'm looking forward to the same ambiguity from 2015.

1 comment:

  1. In addition to partially resolving to not drop your phone, you should add small edible objects such as popcorn :)

