Saturday, July 5, 2014

the absence of sadness

I hold the un-American conviction that happiness isn't the purpose of life. You will be happy and you will be unhappy. I've never deserted all things in the pursuit of happiness. It seems a fickle thing to tie your life to and I've always doubted the trustworthiness of my intense emotions to define my future. Making a choice that makes me happy feels like a trap. Perhaps I avoid happiness because I do not trust it?

Usually happiness is just a choice we make about our situation. A matter of attitude.

But after years of denying that happiness matters I'm at a loss. At what point should happiness factor in? Is it ever healthy to seek out happiness? Is the pursuit ever anything beyond a manifestation of selfishness?

I've been told that God doesn't care if I am happy. I've been told that God always wants me to be happy. Which is correct? I'm not convinced that God actually cares either way.

A lack of happiness will not ruin your life.

In the end is happiness just the emotional choice we make about our circumstances? Or is it the absence of sadness?

1 comment:

  1. Since I feel God made all emotions He made happiness too. But happiness should not depend wholly on situations. I like the word content. I think when I am content, I am happy.
