Thursday, July 23, 2015


I'm using this dry shampoo today. I feel suspicious about dry shampoo just as I do about dry cleaning. As Jerry Seinfeld says, "The problem with dry cleaning is that we all believe that this is actually happening."

According to my new hair stylist I have basically spent my life abusing my hair between washing it everyday, using Tresemmé products since college, braiding it when wet and probably proving remiss in my duty to educate it culturally. So I'm trying to make up for lost time. (And bad parenting?)

But I miss the fresh scalp feeling... I cannot deny that my hair looks better but at what cost to my fragile psyche?

It's only day two...

Can you say #firstworldproblems ?

How often do you wash your hair? Do you use and like dry shampoo? If it wasn't obvious yet I'll point out that I'm not exactly into hair... Educate me.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

rinse & repeat

That foolish trickster Hope.

He lures from around the corner. Enticing with baubles tied to a string

You want happiness don't you? Look how sparkly it is? Come and get it.

Held in the hand happiness is warm like a kitten. You cover it to keep it safe. To prolong it's life.

Memorizing street names and stories. Faces become familiar. Hope cracked the casing around my heart and months of root growth left me feeling strong. Roots will help you stand against the Wind.

But not tornadoes.

I see why people chase the baubles. I didn't know life could feel good. I thought that was a rumor.

But patterns are called patterns because they do not change.

3 steps forward. 15 steps back, Thrown back, head cracking against the wall.


Pass by the pills. Don't look the bottles in the eye. Not everything has to be the same as it was before.