Friday, June 13, 2014

RIP my creativity

I'm a media omnivore with the appetite of a well-known Tudor. I'll feast heartily on 500 page books and then enjoy a 90 minute romantic comedy starring Kate Hudson. Heavy and light - I'll ingest it all.

Radio. Podcasts. Magazines. Instagram. Blogs. Blu-ray. Music. Paperbacks. Records. Audio books. Paintings.

Consumption with no output.

Creativity is fostered when you're young and lucky enough to grow up in a family like mine who prized it. But what about in your mid-twenties? Maybe work has anchored your soul or life revolves around a new baby. Finding a way to be creative sounds like a another task, not a joy. It's easier to consume the creativity someone else has neatly packaged for us.

When did this happen to me?

I was watching Once Upon a Time the other day and I found myself marveling at the creativity of the show, (Even though it can feel cliche at times and the family drama-drama-drama has almost put me off of it...) I realized I was envious of their storytelling. I missed telling stories, making costumes - imagining something and bringing it to life. 

Did you know that Consumption was the commonly used name for tuberculous for most of its ancient history? Before antibiotics TB was a death sentence. 

I think I'm dying of consumption. I'm hoping that resurrecting my own creativity will bring me back to life.

1 comment:

  1. This was so well thought-out and creative. Your abilities weren't "ill" nor did they disappear. They were just resting and rejuvenating. Looking forward to much more!
